Ontario Foot Care Association

Important OFCA Links

Important Information for Podortho Foot Specialist Members

Podortho Foot Specialists are Hiring!

Ontario’s Plan for Improved Healthcare

COVID-19 Long Term Care

IPAC Practice Recommendations

CNO Nurse’s Code of Conduct

Insurance Complaint Form

InfoLAW: Nurses in Independent Practice

CNO Infection Protection & Control

CNO Expanding the RPN Scope of Practice

CNO Quality Assurance Continuing Education & Competencies

Ontario Nurses Scope of Practice-Proposed Changes (CNO, 2022)

Onychomycosis Lecture

CNO Independent Practice Document

OFCA Article on Foot Soaks

What happens when the CNO “cautions” a nurse? – ACL Law

COVID Vaccine Recommendations

COVID-19 Essential vs Non-Essential

Nursing Act 1991 Legislations & Regulation

Public Health Ontario

What happens when the CNO requires a nurse to complete a SCERP? – ACL Law

An Act to amend the Canadian Human Rights Act (protecting against discrimination based on political belief)

Nursing Accountabilities & Understanding Scope of Practice

Legal Interpretation of orthotic Therapy in Ontario Canada in Relation to Nurses also offering this care

Model of Foot Care in Ontario - HPRAC Report - Chiropody Report

What is the ICRC? – ACL Law